Stolf’s Blog 2/2/2012

B*A*K*E*R*S  D*O*Z*E*N

best of January 2011, week 3

(1)  Ogden Nash: A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of…

(2)  Canada’s 1st class postage goes up by 5¢ [last year]…they
figure that extra nickel will lure people away from email and fax…

(3)  When he goes to a Chinese restaurant, Cool Daddy
always asks himself: What would General Tso have?…

(4)  Friends are God’s way of apologizing for our relatives…and vice versa…

(5)  Everybody has their own way of doing things…especially
the lady who spends 5 minutes picking out a shopping cart…

(6)  Samuel Johnson: The Irish are a fair
people…they never speak well of each other…

(7)  …compare w/Gore Vidal: It is not enough to succeed…others must fail.

(8)  When a true diplomat tells you to go to hell, you look forward to it…

(9)  Mark Twain: A cat who sits on a hot stove will never sit
on a hot stove again…but neither will he sit on a cold one…

(10)  Ronald Reagan: Here’s my Cold War strategy…we win, they lose…

(11)   »  »  »  »  If change is good….you go first!  «  «  «  «

(12)  One dog looks at something…and a hundred dogs look at him…

(13)  New book guarantees rock-hard abs…you stick it in your shorts!


Sure, I can accept that…especially since the cat ate my tweeters…

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Stolf’s Blog 2/1/2012

B*A*K*E*R*S  D*O*Z*E*N

(1)  Introducing Stolf’s List…find everybody who
isn’t on Craig’s List or Angie’s List on Stolf’s List

(2)  They’re planning Jurassic Park IV…but what’s the latest special
effects challenge?…how about all the dinosaurs…are on fire!…

(3)  As they say, doing you tax return proves you can be wounded by a blank…

(4)  Credit card escalation…first there was a Gold Card…then Platinum…
then Titanium…now Plum…Plum?…what’s next, Quince or Kumquat?…

(5) . ..but there is the American Express Centurion Card…
nicknamed the Black Card…by invitation only…qualifications have
never been made public, but it’s believed you have to be spending
$250,000 a year…annual fee $2500, plus an $5000 initiation fee…

(6)  Robert Benchley said: Behind every argument lies somebody’s ignorance.

(7)  …he also advised: Dachshunds are ideal dogs for small
children, as they are already stretched and pulled to such a
length that the child cannot do much harm one way or the other.

(8) NHL All-Star Game Sunday…the Whoosis Team
beat the Whatsis Team 12-9… the goalies were in the
locker room eating fried chicken & playing video games…

(9)  She says she won’t be impressed until you can download food

(10)  First Rule of Writing: What you take out can be than what you leave in…

(11)  Just say: Laissez les bons temps rouler
and voila!…you’re an instant Ragin’ Cajun…

(12)  Winter weather is cruel and cold…this is only a
human judgement…altho Geraldo Rivera said: Never
take a job where the winter wind blows up your pant-leg…

(13)  Borscht Belt Special: Guy: Can I park here?…Cop: Nope…
Guy: But what about all these other cars?…Cop: They didn’t ask…


Yeah…some guys take more than one…there’s nothing we can do to stop it…

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Stolf’s Blog 1/31/2012

B*A*K*E*R*S   D*O*Z*E*N

(1) Every culture has food that everybody else considers
disgusting…usually it’s fermented, the polite word for rotted…

(2) …for example, East Asians generally dislike
dairy products, especially cheese…surprise,
surprise, 90% of them are lactose intolerant…

(3) …and not for nothing, but the same bacteria that gives
us Limburger cheese also causes foot oder…look it up…

(4) Sign of the times?…Guy at work said he was
against picketing…just didn’t know how to express it…

(5) I’m terrible remembering names…and because of my job,
I know more people than names…or is that true of everybody?

(6) I see where the push is on to ban the word “retarded”…
Baby Boomers will recall when that was a kinder, gentler
alternative to the official medical classifications of idiot, imbecile,
and moron…and the unofficial dummy, dunce, and feeble-minded

(7) …all I can say is, better get several new euphemisms ready…
because whatever you pick now…say “challenged”…will one day
be a “bad word” too….that’s how it works with political correctness.

(8) Speaking of euphemisms, Jesus Christ has morphed into
Jeepers Creepers, Jiminy Cricket, and Judas Priest, among others…

(9) …and it’s still going on…like I heard “shut the front door”…
instead of…”shut the f*** up”…took me a second to get it, tho…

(10) Cool product…the ad said “Surprise your skin”…
by scraping a hard, hairy coconut across it…yikes!…

(11) John Quincy Adams said: To believe all men are
honest is folly…to believe none are is something worse…

(12) So this bum said to me: Can I have $50?…I asked: What do
you want it for?…He said: What I do with my money is my business!

(13) Some things are better left unsaid…
why that is, is one of them…so don’t ask…


If you thought the Gerrymander was an extinct species, think again…this is from New York State, and has been nicknamed the “Anglerfish District.” Below is that ugly deep-sea mutha…but to take the analogy a step further…this elastic fish can expand to swallow prey of enormous size compared to itself…what that means politically I’m not really sure, but FYI…

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Stolf’s Blog 1/30/2012

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you are probably aware that I like baseball stats…but real stats…not that phony baloney pseudo-mathematics you get from those delusional Sabermeticians. And here’s a case in point…did Adam Dunn have the worst season ever as a batter in 2011? Well, according to the Sabermenudniks, you take hits plus doubles minus one half triples minus one third homers divided by the square root of at bats to the 1.5 power…or something along those general lines…but let’s stay grounded in reality, shall we?

By way of contest, the trouble with the best season as a batter…considering the tried and true batting average of hits divided by at bats…is in deciding who should qualify. After all, you can’t give it to the guy who goes 1/1 or 2/3 for the entire season. Consequently, there have been various ways of determining who qualifies for the batting crown. It’s been codified since 1920…before that it was more loosey-goosey…generally, you had to appear in 100 games…but for example in 1914 Ty Cobb won the crown with only 98 games played. The Commissioner liked him, and said in effect: Gentlemen, this is how it’s gonna be. Today it’s 3.1 times games scheduled, which figures to 502 plate appearances…altho obviously only at bats are used in the actual calculation.

Now using the rules in place at the time, the all-time season low would be Dodgers’ 2nd-baseman Bill Bergen…in 1909, appearing in 112 games, he went 48 for 346 for an average of .139. Using the current rule, the record is Rob Deer in 1991…80 for 448 or .179 Last season, the White Sox’ Adam Dunn went 66 for 415 for a paltry .159. The trouble is, he fell 6 plate appearances shy of qualifying for the batting crown, so that would be that…can’t count it, right? Well, not so fast…

There is an exception…and it’s been evoked twice…to the batting crown rule…if you were to add as many hitless at bats to a player’s total as plate appearances needed to qualify, and a player still lead the league, he’d be the batting champion. Well, you can’t do exactly that “at the other end,” because hitless at bats would drive the average down even further…so why not do the opposite! Thus, since Dunn fell 6 plate appearances short, add in 6 hits and 6 at bats and see where he stands. So hits are 66+6=72, at bats 415+6=421…average .171…new record!…Dunn and done…

B*A*K*E*R*S  D*O*Z*E*N

(1) Vinyl Lives!!!…altho old-fashioned “records” never did go away…
but last year, sales of CDs were down 5%…platters up 36%…waxy!!!

(2) Speaking of numbers, in 1950 were were 2300 people in the US
US 100 years old or older…today, that number is 70,000…and they
predict 600,000 by the year 2050…when I’ll turn 99…see ya then?…

(3) I can’t imagine these not being a big hit…unless
you like happen to like eating sugary chalk…which I do…

(4) George Carlin: Nice family restaurant…every table has an argument going.

(5) Local new baby named Skylie…sounds like a compromise
between 2 other names…but not our place to judge, I suppose…

(6) There’s a legal age for getting married…why not one for getting divorced?

(7) Headlines you can’t make up…altho golly, I do this anyway…
send Mali a goat…I thought everybody—…oh, never mind…

(8) Word for the Day…flexitarian…that’s a vegetarian who
sometimes eats meat…what used to be called “not a vegetarian.”

(9) …and You Might Be a Baby Boomer If…you prefer reused to repurposed.

(10) …or as you can say at the Olive Garden…That pasta boat has sailed…

(11) Cool Daddy’s new pinstripe suit…no wonder
it was so cheap….the stripes go horizontally…

(12) I envy people who can just turn their brains on and off…
my switch broke…in the “on” position…I think around 1987…

(13)  Buy Hallmark cards…because let’s face it,
you’ll never think of anything clever on your own…


Sitting at my pharmacy (not Walgreens), waiting for a prescription to be filled…yeah, I’m old school…I get a prescription from my doctor, not a script from my doc…to me, it’s worth the extra time to say the complete words. Anyway, I noticed various styles of plastic gloves, all with the phrase “medical exam quality.” Checking the internet, it appears most say that, or else “medical grade.” Some say “exam quality,” but that could be confusing…are these the gloves you’d wear to take your SAT’s?

But I had been thinking about how many items you buy in a grocery store say “restaurant style”…while of course restaurants tout their fare as “home style.” Which leads me to conclude that no matter where you eat, you’re at the wrong place! 😉 😉 So what other “grades” of plastic gloves are there? Well, obviously, “restaurant style,” right? All food preparers today must sheath their mandibles. But then a thought struck me…how would “home style” plastic gloves differ from “medical exam quality”? Not the kind you use to wash dishes?…or maybe…no, best not to think about it…

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Stolf’s Blog 1/29/2012

B*A*K*E*R*S  D*O*Z*E*N

Best of January 2011, week two

(1) If you can think of the longest word without A E I O or U…you got rhythm…

(2) Great Anthony Quinn line from 1981 movie Lion of the Desert
He says: We do not kill prisoners…an Arab says: They do 
it to us!
AQ angrily replies: They are not our teachers!...

(3) Bob Hope: I grew up with 6 brothers…
I learned to dance waiting for the bathroom.

(4) Cute story: After a dozen motorists are found not to be
intoxicated, the cop wonders if the breathalyzer is broken…
so he blows into it & checks the meter…”Nope, still working…”

(5) Comic Joe E. Lewis once went on a diet…in 2 weeks he lost 14 days…

(6) Lady at work wore a skimpy new dress…she could barely contain herself…

(7) A dog is a great comfort when you’re depressed…they don’t try to find out why.

(8) St. Augustine said: The playthings of our elders are called businesses…

(8) So it’s been over a year since toilet-paper got smaller…
let me ask you this: has your butt kept pace, if you get my drift?…

(9) Lonesome George Gobel: My uncle was the town drunk…we lived in Chicago…

(10) Cool Daddy’s motto: If at first you don’t succeed, maybe failure is your style.

(11) …altho wouldn’t things work out better
you had your 2nd chance before your first?…

(12) James Thurber: Every generation laughs 
at the old fashions, and follows the new…

(13) B. Franklin: Life’s tragedy is we get old too soon and wise too late…
so I say, take the fullest advantage of the fact that you lately wised up…


I say again…LAUGH, DARN YA!

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Stolf’s Blog 1/28/2012

B*A*K*E*R*S   D*O*Z*E*N

Best of January, 2011 week one

(1)  I’m getting older…and people have started saying
to me: Don’t worry…you were always like that!…

(2)  They won’t let my brother-in-law Ray play
Scrabble…he claims there is too an “i” in “teaim”…

(3)  Nothing really changes, does it?…the first proposal for
eliminating the Electoral College came way back in 1797…

(4)  So you call a meeting for 9:30am…you show up at 11am…
and you’re the first one there…just another day at the office…

(5)  Cool Daddy’s wife finally learned how to drive…how long did it take?…3 cars…

(6)  …she said to him: See, you spent 45 minutes on the phone,
just like me
…he said: Hon, the difference is I talked to 22 people…

(7)  Henny Youngman made a killing on the stock market…he shot his broker…

(8)  Margaret Thatcher: Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money.

(8)  Old saying: Creditors have better memories than debtors…except
when they forget who they should have never lent to in the first place…

(9)  Grew up in a tough neighborhood…funeral home had a shoplifting problem…

(10)  The best way to handle a bore is to mercilessly agree with him…

(11)  The Most Interesting Man in the World…when people
have an out-of-body experience…they go visit him!…

(12) Someone once said the best thing about thinking logically is
that when you make a mistake, you do it with complete confidence…

(13) Upon receiving an award, Jack Benny remarked: You know, I
don’t deserve this…but then I have arthritis, and I don’t deserve that either.


To be classified as a “classic,” all a car needs is to be 25 years old…so 2012 welcomes the class of 1987, lead by the “Caddy Corvette,” the Allanté. Everything made in the USA except the body…that was by Pininfarina of Italy. 21,000 made over 7 years, including a little more than 3300 that first model year. I never liked the “dip” along the top of the door-line (below, top)…so I would have straightened it out (below, bottom).

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Stolf’s Blog 1/27/2012

B*A*K*E*R*S   D*O*Z*E*N

(1) Last Sunday, postage went up by 1¢…but since everybody 
uses Forever stamps, nobody noticed…or cared…so what is 
it now?…dunno…which is the whole point…

(2) …altho I will tell you postcards have gone up from
29¢ to 32¢…postcards??…yeah, long live postcards…

(3) …and of course, the Postal Service’s theory that if nobody
is buying your product, you should raise your prices…is priceless…

(4)  The best way to save face…is to keep the lower half shut…

(5)  Eva Gabor said: Love is the one game 2 can play…and both win…

(6)  Cats always think outside the box…right after they get done pooping in it…

(7)  Cool Daddy said: Lou Gehrig died of
Lou Gehrig’s disease…what are the odds?

(8)  …I told him speaking of coincidences, Hitler died
on a Jewish Holiday…he’s still thinking about that one…

(8)  >>>>  Auto-Correct can go strait to he’ll…  <<<<

(9)  Indira Gandhi said: Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave…

(10)  The secret to a successful marriage…be each other’s sidekick…

(11) Yesterday I mentioned “blowing off steam”…people don’t know
how to anymore, hence stress…and by and large, you can’t blow
off steam sitting in front of a computer…I wish you could, but no…

(12) Marilyn Monroe: I’ve been on a calendar, but I’ve never been on time…

(13)  A “certificate of authenticity” is utterly worthless…
if you suspected the product was a fake…why would you
trust a piece of paper…from the same company?…duh…


You know, its a curious thing…for decades now, the High Fashionistas have been trying to get men to wear skirts…it’s been a very tough sell, to say the least…but who would have guessed they would have finally succeeded…ON THE BASKETBALL COURT?…sheesh and double sheesh…

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Stolf’s Blog 1/26/2012

B*A*K*E*R*S  D*O*Z*E*N

(1)  Childhood is like being drunk…everybody remembers what you did except you…

(2) You Might Be a Baby Boomer If…you knew what a woman named
Tassels O’Toole did for a living, without even having to think about it…

(3)  Common sense is so rare today…it’s sort of like a superpower…

(4)  …but if you can do math in your head without a calculator,
and younger folks are flat out in awe…well, so be it…sez me…

(5)  Charles Dickens: A day wasted on others is not wasted on oneself..

(6)  …he also said: Ideas are like ghosts…you must
talk to them a little before they will reveal themselves…

(7)  We don’t want kids to cuss, but they need something
to let off steam…like for example: Ah, go step on a Lego…

(8) …we had ton of them when I was a kid…
>>> What do you want, a medal or a chest to pin it on?
>>> You weren’t born, you were hatched.
>>> There’s a bus leaving in half an hour, I want you to be under it.
>>> The hospital called, your brain will be ready Tuesday.
>>> You’ll be OK, we just don’t know when.
>>> Did your parents have any children that lived?
…and like that…

(9)  Sometimes, for reasons we don’t yet understand,
the mind just decides to go to the store for a quart of milk…

(10)  Dreams can come true…it could happen to you…like you’re doing something
and you wonder if someday it’ll be illegal…well, just be glad you won’t live forever…

(11) The “Name Game”…and all spellings are correct…She grew
up in Mayberry as Irene Phlogg…went to Hollywood as
Teena Andrews…and was played by actress Diahn Williams…

(12) Cool Daddy’s philosophy: Nobody’s perfect, and I’m Nobody…

(13) Very often, speaking your mind hurts a lot less than biting your tongue…


Fun with Food…or as Jack Benny once said: hors d’oeuvres are just a ham sandwich cut up into 40 pieces…and You Might Be a Baby Boomer If…you always called them “horse doovers”…even after you knew better…hey, it’s a free country, nez pah?…

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Stolf’s Blog 1/25/2012

B*A*K*E*R*S   D*O*Z*E*N

(1) The lady on the radio commercial said: Are you
looking for love?…and I thought: Parts of me are, yeah…

(2) Do clothes make the man?…in Sunday’s AFC championship game,
the Patriots wore football uniforms…the Ravens, pajamas…so you tell me…

(3) New owner of the Houston Astros says when they move to
the American League in 2013, they might have a new nickname…
makes sense…they haven’t played in the Astrodome since 1999…

(4) …altho when they switched from Colt .45s to Astros in 1965,
many fans really hated it…so maybe something with guns again?…

(5) …not for nothing, but the minor league Houston team, from
1903-1961, was always called the Buffaloes or Buffs for short…

(6) Speaking of sports, worst ice hockey loss I can find is in a 1998
Asia-Oceania amateur tournament…South Korea beat Thailand 92-0.

(7) …honorable mention to the Bulgarian women, who in the 2008 Olympic
qualifying tournament, lost to Slovakia 82-0…in their 3 games, they
were outscored 153-1…that one goal was called “The Miracle on Ice II”…

(8) Moshe Dayan: I have only one eye…should I watch the road or the speedometer?

(9)  Mark Twain: Courage is not absence of fear, but mastery of it…

(10) Joan Davis was a top comedic actress in the 1930s and 40s,
ending up on the TV sitcom I Married Joan from 1952-55…she was
born Madonna Josephine Davis…so yeah, there was another one…

(11) SoftSoap liquid soap makes a flavor/fragrance called
“Crisp Cucumber and Mellon”…um, crisp soap?…for real?…

(12) Cool Daddy’s first trip to New York City…but he didn’t visit the
Statue of Liberty…he says he gets winded climbing a flight of stairs…

(13)  I wanted to grow old with you, but it’s not working out…you keep me young…


As far as I can determine, there is a major disconnect between Indian activists and plain old Indians…the latter have no problem with Indian sports nicknames and logos, no more than the Irish have with the Boston Celtics…or for that matter, any American would have with the nickname “Americans.” In fact, it’s a peculiar thing that banning Indian-related nicknames on the grounds that they’re disrespectful would yield the same result as if they were banned because some prejudiced group didn’t think Indians were worthy of such an honor…or even of being mentioned in polite company…I’m just sayin’…

Anyhow, the Cleveland baseball team was named in honor of player and manager Nap Lajoie, altho when he was with them, they were called the Naps…their previous name had been the Bluebirds. Above shows the original logo and the revised one, still used today…altho in 1967, the Summer of Love, things got a little crazy…thank you George Harrison and Ravi Shankar… 😉 😉

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Stolf’s Blog 1/24/2012

Sure, I know…this isn’t practical…but that doesn’t mean it isn’t tremendously cool…and you can trust me on this, because I’m always right about everything…for more, see today’s Poutine-on-a-Stick

B*A*K*E*R*S   D*O*Z*E*N

(1) Amazing how many problems can be solved by turning the computer
off then on again…suggesting what causes these problems is it’s being on

(2) What men should know about women…if they could choose between
you…and eating anything & not getting fat…well, that’s it…sorry, man…

(3) George Carlin opined: Do we really have rights?…
If someone can take it away, it isn’t really a right…

(4) Peanut butter has always been an enormously tough sell
at breakfast…about the only one with any success was…CC…
but what the heck, good luck to Cheerios, anyway…

(5) …altho there are 2 problems with the above ad…”delicious”
is meaningless…aren’t all food products “delicious”?…and while
I haven’t seen the ingredients…”real peanut butter taste” doesn’t
necessarily imply the involvement of real peanuts, sorry to say…

(6) One mother’s lament: Ever since they saw “The
Wizard of Oz,” the kids keep throwing water on me…

(7) John Lennon: Another name for “rock & roll” is “Chuck Berry”…

(8) You Might Be a Baby Boomer If…you remember a convenient way
to commit suicide would be to “ditch” school…your parents would kill
you and then, as Bill Cosby says, make another one, look just like ya…

(9) Albert Einstein: Religion and science are branches on the same tree…

(10) Geez, how many times have I said this?…8,217, give or take?…

(11) Amazingly, Roy Rogers and Gene Autry were in 3 movies together
from 1936-1938…altho Roy was known as Dick Weston at the time…

(12)  Please let me know if I say anything that
offends you…in case I need to offend you again…

(13) Not that you don’t have enough to worry about, but this statement
in the paper is completely true: Microbes have a tremendous advantage
over humans…they’ve been around a lot longer and evolve a lot faster…


But speaking of what’s practical…look at the back wheel…then look at the front wheels…if there was ever a time you didn’t need to be a rocket scientist, this would be it. Below solves the problem, altho it ain’t nearly as spiffy…but that’s life, dear friends…

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